• Farve: 141 Truffle
  • Position: Suspension rail
  • D 38 cm

EUR 2 666,32

  • 10 year guarantee
  • EU Ecolabel certified
  • Danish Design
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OCTAVE VIII TV bench details

Montana offers versatile storage modules with endless possibilities of combinations. With Montana Selection we have hand-picked a range of functional and creative preconfigured furniture. The only thing you have to do is to decide which one of Montana’s 41 lacquer colours you want, and whether your furniture should be placed on legs, suspension rails, plinth or castors.

Find a Montana retailer near you

The Montana range offers endless possibilities and therefore we can only show a limited range online. If you have not found what you are looking for, or just want more inspiration and advice, visit your nearest Montana retailer. 

  • Montana retailers are trained in Montana products
  • They are experts in advising you on style, colours and interior design for the home or office environments
  • They can help you draw up a Montana storage solution, so you can get exactly the design you want

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