Hall storage 4240

  • Colour: 164 Iris
  • Position: Suspension rail
  • D 20 cm

EUR 571,19

  • 10 year guarantee
  • Danish Design
  • EU Ecolabel certified
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Hall storage 4240 details

The Montana Hall Editions is a series of products created to fit both the small and large hall. The series offer storage with a flip drawer, shoe cabinet, shoe bench, mirrors, racks and rails in 41 water-based lacquer colours. Create the ideal conditions for storage and welcome your guests in nice and neat surroundings.
Montana Hall

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The Montana range offers endless possibilities and therefore we can only show a limited range online. If you have not found what you are looking for, or just want more inspiration and advice, visit your nearest Montana retailer. 

  • Montana retailers are trained in Montana products
  • They are experts in advising you on style, colours and interior design for the home or office environments
  • They can help you draw up a Montana storage solution, so you can get exactly the design you want

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