The Montana Colours — A colour palette of 43 poetic colours and veneers

Colours mean everything. Ambience. Atmosphere. Identity. Colours are paramount in our design. We want to influence and inspire the world of interiors with our take on colours. Bright and light. Dense and deep. There is a colour for any purpose.

A colour is no better than the company it is in

Create the Montana composition of your dreams with Montana's colour palette. The palette features a range of poetic and complex colours – all created to appeal to both your visual sense and your emotions. Choose between 41 lacquer colours and two veneers: a total of 43 EU Eco-labelled variants.

Developed in collaboration with colour expert Margrethe Odgaard

Every eight years, Montana develops a new colour palette. Our current palette was created in collaboration with colour expert Margrethe Odgaard. Read more about Margrethes creative process towards a new and more sensual colour palette.

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Just as the modules offer infinite possibilities for combination, the colours also need to be able to be mixed and matched

Margrethe Odgaard

Mal dine vægge i en Montana farve 

Frisk dine vægge op med Montana farver. Du kan matche din vægfarve med dine møbler for et beroligende, sammenhængende look eller vælge kontrasterende nuancer for en mere dynamisk indretningsstil. Vores nøje udvalgte palet byder på farver, som komplementerer hinanden, så du kan designe et hjem, der er unikt dit eget. Find en oversigt over alle RAL og NCS-koder på vores Montana lakfarver her.
Download oversigt (PDF)

Eco-friendly colours

Since 2007, we have exclusively used water-based lacquer colours, which neither smell nor contain solvents. In addition, Montana recently achieved the EU Ecolabel, making the company among the first furniture manufacturers in Europe. The EU Ecolabel includes the entire Montana System, the CO16 and the Montana Free Shelving System. Montana is also awarded the Indoor Climate label by the Danish Technological Institute.

Read more about environment and quality

Replenishment guarantee 

Montana's colour palette is extensive and we have expanded and changed colours many times since our start in 1982. Therefore we have a replenishment guarantee so you for up to 10 years may order the colours that you have chosen. Learn more about the replenishment guarantee through Montana’s retailers.

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