COLLECT organizer

  • Colour: 137 Mushroom
  • D 12.6 cm

EUR 140,32

  • 10 year guarantee
  • EU Ecolabel certified
  • Danish production
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COLLECT organizer details

Montana Accessories includes a range of colourful mirrors, practical trays, spacious storage boxes, stylish notice boards, and sleek coat racks made in the same well-known design as the original Montana System by Peter J. Lassen. Manufactured in Denmark and certified with the official EU Ecolabel.
Montana Accessories

Find a Montana retailer near you

The Montana range offers endless possibilities and therefore we can only show a limited range online. If you have not found what you are looking for, or just want more inspiration and advice, visit your nearest Montana retailer. 

  • Montana retailers are trained in Montana products
  • They are experts in advising you on style, colours and interior design for the home or office environments
  • They can help you draw up a Montana storage solution, so you can get exactly the design you want

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